Carl Paladino’s ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to his newsletter

Posted: April 14, 2010 by Josh Bunting in Politics
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WNYMedia got themselves a nice scoop about local developer/gubernatorial candidate/Batman villain Carl Paladino.

It’s actually kind of a WikiLeaks-ish story about his e-mail. Someone’s private e-mail usually should stay that way, but it’s a different story when you’re a public figure running for public office. Paladino’s apparently incapable of not forwarding every single sexually explicit or racist picture he sees on the internet to just about everyone on his contacts list. And one of those contacts, a friend of his, forwarded some of these to WNYMedia.

Dave Weigel – who’s recently moved from the Washington Independent to the Washington Post – has a follow-up. Here’s an excerpt:

“I believe that the people doing this are hard-core, left-wing, liberal people who are going to stop at nothing to smear him,” said [Buffalo Tea Party organizer Allen] Coniglio. “He’s not a racist. He was just passing on some nonsense in an e-mail. Everybody does things that are not 100 percent pure. He’s just a human being.”

See, when Coniglio says that the people “doing this” are hardcore commies, what does he mean by “this?” If he means that they sent those e-mails, then maybe he should let Paladino know that that’s supposed to be the story. Because he is on a different script entirely. In this video, he gets as close as politicians get to admitting that the press was correct about something.

Maybe he meant that the act of “this” was leaking the e-mails in the first place. But if that’s the case, why is Paladino sending this stuff to “hard-core, left-wing, liberal people” who he would have to know would leak it to the press? Paladino’s not that stupid, is he?

Apparently, “doing this” just means reporting on the story. So when Coniglio complains about “the people doing this,” he is saying that he thinks it’s a big problem for WNYMedia to report news, and not that a gubernatorial candidate for New York in 2010 (not 1810) actually believes in racism. It actually took me a minute to figure that out just because it’s so bizarre.

The thing that people like Paladino and Coniglio can’t seem to grasp is you don’t have to be some radical extremist to think that this story is newsworthy. Most people think that believing in racism is weird and primitive – that’s why they had to rush to saying that he’s DEFINITELY NOT A RACIST and this is just yet another “isolated incident” of Republicans doing and saying racist things.

If it were only the hardcore commies who cared about that, then there would be no problem with Paladino just coming out and openly saying that he really does believe that black people are inferior. So why not do it, Carl? You’ll only offend a few of us hardcore leftists, right? Surely everyone else – the” real Americans” – will rally by your side against this minority of uber-PC elites, right? Right.


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