Archive for September, 2010

So the Atari Teenage Riot single / reunion show turned into aniPhone app, and now it’s turned into a full tour and an upcoming album. There’s no name or tracklist or anything for the new album, but it’s going to be released on Dim Mak Records.

Here are the tour dates:


I’m not buying all of this ‘Christine O’Donnell was a witch’ business. Yeah, I’ve seen the video footage of her talking about it on Politically Incorrect, and I don’t have any direct evidence contradicting her claim, but it all just doesn’t quite add up. So here’s my completely uninformed speculation.


Unfortunately I’m not supposed to vote today because New York state has something called closed primaries, which means that you have to be registered in the relevant party to vote. So I will be forced to do so using my “name.” The obvious choice for maximum hilarity is the communist / local yokel  Carl Paladino.


Best Korea’s Twitter Feed is Awkward

Posted: September 8, 2010 by Josh Bunting in Politics
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Corot-7b is apparently my favorite exoplanet

Posted: September 7, 2010 by Josh Bunting in Science
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A few months back I wrote about some recent findings about an exoplanet called Corot-7b and added some of my own uninformed speculation on it. And now there’s a new paper for me to pretend I understand. Hooray!


Sharron Angle on Education

Posted: September 7, 2010 by Josh Bunting in Politics
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I really should’ve just devoted this space entirely to covering all of the kooky shit the Republican candidate for US Senate from Nevada Sharron Angle says and does, but now I’m way too far behind to possibly keep up. Each time her name appears in the news, I just think she can’t possibly get any crazier. But then she does.

Earlier in her campaign, Angle was for eliminating the Department of Education. She pretty quickly learned that taking this position (and others like it) was so unpopular that it boosted the campaign of someone as generally loathed as her opponent Harry Reid. So she deleted it from her website and got her lawyers to start yelling at Harry Reid for talking about it.


By Governor Jan Brewer the movie reviewer

Hello, my name is Jan Brewer…

… I’m the governor of Arizona. Ummmm…

I have seen a very disturbing film recently which the public needs to know about. And I need to yell at you about it without getting any follow-up questions from the media. Bunting told me I could do that on here for $20, and that’s why I’m posting my thoughts on this film here and not at an open press conference.


One of my first posts on this blog when I started it about a year ago quoted the Washington Independent on the issue of pre-emptive detention:

“We appreciate that the United States has security concerns about Yemen, but continuing to hold these men without charge is morally wrong, is in violation of court orders, and it’s handing al-Qaeda a recruiting tool,” said Letta Taylor, a researcher for Human Rights Watch…”
