Archive for February, 2011

The common conservative response to our recent story on Governor Scott Walker is that it merely proves that Walker has been saying the same thing publicly that he’s been saying privately, and that there was therefore no news value to it. The claim was first made by the Governor himself, when he initially confirmed that it was in fact his voice on the audio recording we posted:

“The thing’s I’ve said are things I’ve said publicly all along. The fact of the matter is people have brought up all sorts of different options and as you saw if you listened to the tape we put that down.”
-Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker


The King’s Speech

Posted: February 24, 2011 by Josh Bunting in Movies, Satire
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We’ve finally arrived at the end – the last movie nominated for Best Picture and therefore the Beasties. It is a film about how, in a world where most of the global population lived under a repressive colonial rule in abject poverty and with no hope for a sustainable future, one overpriveleged bratty monarch battled against all odds to overcome his slightly embarrassing speech impediment. So it’s a British movie, if you  hadn’t put that together already. As if any other country in the world would find inspiration in a story like that.



Posted: February 18, 2011 by Josh Bunting in Politics
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The Republican governor of Wisconsin is trying to push through legislation which would strip public employees of their collective bargaining rights. You’ve probably heard about this by now.

In response, thousands of protesters have filled the streets of Madison. Here are some of them:


Here are their names (source)


ADE 651 Update

Posted: February 17, 2011 by Josh Bunting in Politics, Skepticism
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A while back I wrote a list of the 5 worst quacks currently operating. One of them was Jim McCormick, the director of a company called ATSC which sold useless pieces of plastic to the military in Iraq and Afghanistan to use as bomb detectors. It’s kind of a stretch to call him a quack, I guess, because that term usually refers to woo dealing with medicine and not so much the war profiteering variety.


The President of Republicans John Boehner went on the teevee this weekend to tell David Gregory that although he’s definitely not a birther, he doesn’t want to interfere with the right of Americans to believe stupid things by telling his supporters that they’re wrong about Obama’s place of birth and religion. From Politico:


127 Black Swan

Posted: February 16, 2011 by Josh Bunting in Movies, Satire
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Despite all of the protests against it in the Middle East, we will be continuing with another installment of The BEASTIES. As a concession to the demonstrators demanding they cease immediately, this one will cover twice the normal amount of movie and will use far less effort to create. But this ongoing feature will not step down. The movie “reviews” will continue until morale improves:


Here are their names (source)



Posted: February 13, 2011 by Josh Bunting in Movies, Satire
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First 10 Minutes: Cobb is talking about memes and how people can take credit for someone else’s memes on Reddit in order to acquire karma. But there is a way to protect yourself, and that is why he is going door to door selling his virus protection software to a Japanese guy in a room with way too many lights.

OMG it was all just a dream! Well, that wasn’t too bad. Concise, at least. Oh shit, nevermind it’s going to keep going. Natasha from the Bullwinkle cartoons shows up and hits on Cobb since she is undergoing a trial separation from Boris Badenov. Then Leonardo DiCaprio went on a killing spree on set. Security stopped him while the producers all slowly turn around in their swivel-chairs doing slow clap. Oh wait, nevermind guys! This is all really just the movie… inside a dream. I think. The cast starts shooting stunt doubles just to prove it and this gives Cobb night terrors.


The Kids Are All Right

Posted: February 11, 2011 by Josh Bunting in Movies, Satire
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These kids are all wrong.

OK, I have no idea what this movie is about, but I am very optimistic going in because they spelled “All right” using two words instead of one, so I won’t have to throw fits of rage about a spelling pet peeve right away. Also maybe that means it’s a dystopian sci-fi flick where everyone under 18 is a fascist.
