Archive for March, 2011

The Earth-Spirit exposition is this flea market of New Age products and ideas which pops up around once a year. So I felt I had to go to find out what it’s all about.

The way we originally wanted to cover this was to register as a vendor, get our own table, and sell “Hitting You In The Face With A Stick” therapy. But this would require actual money up front, so it never ended up happening. Also you might have noticed we’ve been busy with other issues at the moment.


Eartha Jane Melzer is a reporter for the Michigan Messenger and has been covering recent “budget repair” legislation in Michigan which almost makes Scott Walker look sane by comparison.



Hey, remember those distinguished gentlemen from Amarillo, Texas who like to execute Santa Claus in effigy and harass patrons of swingers’ clubs? Their leader is running for mayor of Amarillo. Here is a video of him in what looks like a church, announcing his candidacy:


Last week I did an interview with Alexander Zaitchik about his new article in Rolling Stone, which was about conspiracy talk radio host Alex Jones. As brief of an interview it was, I was kind of proud that we didn’t talk about Charlie Sheen at all. See, when Sheen started ranting all his crazytalk, that was when he was calling in to the Alex Jones happy funtime radio show. They’re old friends, connected through their belief in the idea that 9/11 was an “inside job.” So now, funnily enough, Jones has sort of been in the spotlight because of the instability of someone else and not himself.


Here is an interview with Alexander Zaitchik. He is the author of the book Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance. He’s also written for The eXile, New Republic, The Nation, Wired, NY Press, Reason, Mother Jones, The BEAST, and many others. We talk about his newest article in the current (March) issue of Rolling Stone, which is about the deranged talk radio host Alex Jones.
