Archive for May, 2011

Seth Shostak is the Senior Astronomer at the Search for Extraterrestial Life (SETI) Institute and the author of such books as Sharing the Universe: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Lifeand Confessions of an Alien Hunter: A Scientist’s Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. We talk about SETI, its recent budget difficulties, and whether or not aliens are going to destroy us all in an act of mercy.


PZ Myers is a professor of biology at the University at Minnesota Morris and has a very popular blog called Pharyngula. He’s an outspoken advocate for science and atheism and a critic of religion and pseudoscience. He is also the owner of a fantastic beard. We talk about deformed Stalinist Nazi squid in outer space, diapers, religion, fig trees and why Jesus hates them, PZ’s upcoming book, condoms, and stuff like that.


Harold Camping is a Christian radio broadcaster and president of Family Radio. He is the man behind the recent nationwide billboards which warn commuters that The Jesus will return to Earth on May 21, 2011. We talk about his prediction, the Bible, how there are actually 12 hours in a day and not 24, and puppies. Will I be convinced and start believing in God and The Jesus? You will have to listen to find out.


Marcy Wheeler is the author of Anatomy of Deceit: How the Bush Administration Used the Media to Sell the Iraq War and Out a Spy. She blogs at FireDogLake about legal and foreign policy issues. We talk about the President’s new policy of extrajudicial paramilitary strikes. We also explore the extent of Marc Thiessen’s dickishness.


Sanal Edamaruku is the founder and president of Rationalists International and the president to the Indian Rationalist Association and has dedicated much of his life to exposing gurus, godmen, medical quacks, and others making supernatural claims for the frauds they are. In 2008, he challenged a tantrik to kill him live on television before an audience of several hundred million people. Most recently, he’s drawn attention for his public criticism of Sathya Sai Baba, a very famous and influential “godman” who died recently.
