Archive for June, 2012

Under Construction

Posted: June 17, 2012 by Josh Bunting in Uncategorized
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Hey. It looks like this blog has been discovered somehow before it even really started. So thanks for visiting if you’ve found us from Dispatches From the Culture Wars or wherever else, but we probably won’t have any new content here for a couple weeks or so. For now we’re just archiving some old material we’ve posted on other Internets.

But fear not, for we will be back and up and running soon! Check back in July, or just subscribe to our RSS feed because – let’s face it – you will probably forget to check back because you did too many drugs in high school.


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God watches over Moe.

A lot of religious claims and justifications that persist down through the generations do so because they’ve managed to escape empirical testing. So if you ask most religious people if they believe in the power of demonic possession in the straightforward literal sense embraced by the faithful in past centuries, most of them will probably say they don’t. We’ve found better explanations for floods and droughts and other things that used to be blamed on demons. The superstitions that haven’t been filtered out of religion with scientific rigor just becomes what we call religion today.

But even still, lots of superstitions remain intact despite them being proven demonstrably wrong. So for example we have this, from Luke 10:19

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Some Christians reinforce this passage with one from the Book of Roadhouse, wherein Patrick Swayze sayeth unto us, “Pain don’t hurt.”
