Archive for September, 2012

After a long night of drinking scotch and glutting myself with Chicken in Mole sauce, I turned on the TV to find something that my bloated inebriated body could lose consciousness before my bowels decided to let loose, leaving me swimming in a pile of my own shit.


In what seems like part of a deliberate attempt to make me hate them less, Huffington Post is reviving the brilliant Get Your War On series in video format. The most recent one pokes fun at Donald Trump, and it reminded me of what seems like a neglected aspect of the Donald’s jackassery.


More of This, Please

Posted: September 20, 2012 by Josh Bunting in Religion
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At the risk of possibly contradicting my colleague here, this is the kind of violence in the Middle East I can get behind:


How Mitt Romney Keeps Making My Job Difficult

Posted: September 18, 2012 by Marc Johnson in Politics
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When I was approached to write for AtheistHobos, I was hoping that I could use the opportunity to talk about two things that I love: Science and Philosophy.

Then this jerk came along:



Classic Rock Jerks

Posted: September 17, 2012 by Josh Bunting in Music, Skepticism
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At work, I’m kind of forced to listen to a lot of classic rock. I guess I could avoid it if I wanted to make a big deal out of it, but instead I’m just going to pick apart and rant about some of the worst songs you hear at your dentist’s office about 237,000 times per annual visit.


Jill Stein is the Green Party’s Presidential candidate, having beaten Roseanne Barr for the nomination back in July. While the party might not ever regain the popularity lost from its perceived role in costing Al Gore the 2000 election, this is definitely a turn in the right direction. The last two GP Presidential candidates were extremely embarrassing for those of us in the party who aren’t deluded cranks or spineless wimps. Cynthia McKinney (2008) was a 9/11 truther conspiracy nut. David Cobb (2004) ran on a ‘safe states’ strategy designed to promote the party while allowing John Kerry to still win enough votes to beat George W Bush’s re-election bid. The strategy failed miserably at achieving both goals.


Cross posted at

By now, you’ve probably heard about the terrorist attacks on the US consulate in Libya where four Americans were killed in protest of an anti-Muslim film that was recently released.

There are many facets of this development that merit discussion, but this comment from Obama caught my attention:

As we mourn their loss, we must also send a clear and resolute message to the world: those who attack our people will find no escape from justice. We will not waver in their pursuit. And we will never allow anyone to shake the resolve of the United States of America

The sentiment, that the US will do whatever is needed, where ever it is needed, as long as it is needed to bring those who committed these senseless acts to justice, is understandable. It represents a respect and to the families of those that were murdered and a commitment to Justice.

Yet, I can’t help but feel that this is a misguided approach, if it is truly intended to be implemented as Obama’s remarks make it sound.


OK, I have finally returned from my weekish off where I took some time to listen to industrial music, read about theistic Satanism, and think about death. But now the folks at Before It’s News have deprived me of that sort of bliss by forcing me to write about their conspiracy theories about how Obammer tried to bomb the Democrats’ Convention but then AMERICA stopped him.


Repost – Waving The Flag ≠ Patriotism

Posted: September 11, 2012 by JesusLovesBags in Politics
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Re-posted from 2011 and cross-posted at

Hanging a multicolored piece of fabric is not patriotism.  If you think it is, you’re a pretentious rube. When you consider the impact 9/11 had on this country, such a trivial gesture seems terribly inadequate.  Instead of having a meaningful and reflective conversation on the impact that 9/11 had on the country’s foreign and domestic policies, politics, culture, media, etc., there seems to be  a race to be the most outwardly pious patriot possible.

Saying nice sounding things does not “honor” the soldiers or “respect” the victims or their families.  To the contrary, I would argue, such meaningless platitudes trivialize the sacrifices of those protecting us and the victims of 9/11.  But to express dissent from the fragile and air-headed sensibilities of the masses, is to call upon the masses to demonize one’s self.

Just looking at my facebook feed is depressing how facile and prentious the 9/11 comments are: “God bless the USA” or “The families of 9/11 in our prayers” or “Never forget”.  I would like to ask, what purpose does posting “God bless America” serve?  Setting aside the fact that no evidence exists for a god, what makes you think by saying this that he would ‘bless’ the USA?  Is it necessary to say this in order to prevent another terrorist attack?  Was it god’s will for 9/11 to occur and for thousands to lose their lives?  If so, why are you trying to countermand god’s will, and if it wasn’t god’s will, what makes you think he has the ability to prevent another such attack?  And why are you asking for blessing only for America?  Wouldn’t world peace be more desirable?  I’ll save my rhetorical (though I would be happy to hear responses) questions on the other two common sentiments since they’re just as vacuous and serve only to flaunt the posters’ faux patriotism. (more…)

While I spend every September 11th being reminded that I shouldn’t forget September 11th, I usually spend September 12th thinking about something else. But while we’re still here – September 11th that is – we should make sure that we make this a September 11th to remember!
