Archive for December, 2012

Bill Gates Did Not Say That

Posted: December 19, 2012 by JesusLovesBags in Politics
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Cross-posted at

Over the past few days I’ve seen the revival of a quote attributed to Bill Gates giving a commencement speech to a high school.  It seems that this trope has been going around the intertubes for over a decade, originally as part of an email chain.  Here’s what’s been making the rounds on Facebook (including the pic):

Bill Gates recently gave a Commencement speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world. (more…)

Happy Thoughts

Posted: December 17, 2012 by Marc Johnson in Religion, Skepticism
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It usually doesn’t take long for the rage felt because of some bastard in Connecticut shooting up a school full of kids to dissipate into a melange of Facebook Philosophy, Tawdry Tweets, Paltry Prayers, and Fruitless Photoshop. Already, I’m being hit with drawings like this that would make Van Gogh go Van Nuts:



I’m a Negligent Blogger

Posted: December 7, 2012 by Josh Bunting in Uncategorized

Hey, I just wanted to update this really quick. I’ve been pretty busy lately and haven’t had much time to write here. And that probably won’t change for about a month. So I’ll be back, hopefully at a more regular pace, in 2013.