Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

QED Astoria

Posted: June 28, 2016 by justinwilliamscomedy in Uncategorized

7:30 PM

I’m a Negligent Blogger

Posted: December 7, 2012 by Josh Bunting in Uncategorized

Hey, I just wanted to update this really quick. I’ve been pretty busy lately and haven’t had much time to write here. And that probably won’t change for about a month. So I’ll be back, hopefully at a more regular pace, in 2013.

Doomsday Preppers is my new favorite thing on TV. It’s a documentary-style show that features groups of survivalists who for a variety of creative reasons think some kind of apocalypse is imminent. It’s the kind of show that seems to be baiting people like me who are morbidly fascinated with grandiose, paranoid delusions. And now I can’t stop watching it.


Bill Nye, who I admiringly refer to as Uncle Billy, pushed himself into the front lines in the war of Creationism vs. Science. In a video titled “Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children”he rails against the notion that classrooms should teach Creationism alongside Evolution.


After a long night of drinking scotch and glutting myself with Chicken in Mole sauce, I turned on the TV to find something that my bloated inebriated body could lose consciousness before my bowels decided to let loose, leaving me swimming in a pile of my own shit.


With enough distortion, you can convince anyone of anything you want. Want your audience to be disgusted with leftists? Sneer slightly every time you say the word ‘liberal.’ Want to portray the current president as a bumbling fool, keep interrupting him while you’re interviewing him. Don’t give him the chance to get his footing. Then, kick him in the balls when he doesn’t answer your question quick enough. Everyone at Fox News has nearly mastered the art of distortion.

All of them except Gregg Jarrett.



Do I miss having real friends?

Well, not really. I never had any friends. Yet these Internet Intimates, Coded Companions, and Digi-Friends seem strange and unfamiliar by comparison even though I don’t have anything to compare them to. Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to meet up with one of them. Not in a freaky back alley orgy kind of way. You sick pervs should wash your minds out with soap! No, wait. Bad idea. That will probably do some sort of irreparable damage. Just stop thinking dirty thoughts. You’ll be better off. How would their witty banter translate to conversations made with the click of the tongue instead of the keyboard?



Sunday Reading

Posted: September 2, 2012 by Josh Bunting in Uncategorized
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Dubai. From r/pics.


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Posted: August 31, 2012 by Josh Bunting in Uncategorized

Hey, I’m gonna be taking a little break from blogging. I’ll be back either next Friday or the following Monday. There will be a Sunday Reading post, but unless something huge comes up, that will be it.

The Ron Paul people went and had their own counter-convention in Tampa this past weekend. Ron Paul didn’t show up. But the Church of Scientology did.
