Posts Tagged ‘audio interviews’

I interview the face of black atheism, comedian Leighann Lord. We talk about the joys of New York City neighborhoods during the 80s crack craze, the not-so-Love Boat-like good times of doing standup comedy on ships, and just why black people are so religious.


John Hugar is a BEAST contributor who covers sports and music and a student at the University at Buffalo. We talk about music, movies, violence in sports, and lots of other random stuff.


Kristen Becker is a local stand-up comedian. She recently won the Best in Buffalo award for best stand-up comedian. Her new album is called How COULD She? BEAST contributor Joe Dixon joins in for this interview. We talk about comedy, Buffalo, politics, our gay president, and doing manual labor while watching porn.


Matt Mogk is head of the Zombie Research Society. He’s also the author of That’s Not Your Mommy Anymore and Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Zombies. His upcoming graphic novel is ZDC: Zombie Disease ControlWe talk about zombies. There may be a few minor spoilers for The Walking Dead, The Road, Dead-Alive, Night of the Living Dead, and Contagion.


Melody Hensley is the executive director of the Center for Inquiry in Washington, DC and is organizing the upcoming Women in Secularismconference. We talk about feminism, privilege, whether or not books should be left in the bathroom, and the conference. Also I try to coin a new term but then find out that it’s already been appropriated by racist immigrant-bashers.


Bob Blaskiewicz is a Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow at Georgia Tech’s School of Literature, Communication and Culture. He also writes for the Committee For Skeptical Inquiry and blogs at Skeptical Humanities. We talk about conspiracy theories and his recent article on the Denver International Airport.


Daphne Eviatar is an lawyer, journalist, and senior associate at Human Rights First. We talk about the Obama administration’s policy on due process and her recent article on Section 1024 of the National Defense Authorization Act.


Sanal Edamaruku is the founder-president of Rationalist International and our first repeat guest. We talk about how he recently debunked a Catholic miracle claim in Mumbai and the blasphemy charges against him that ensued. You can donate to the Sanal Edamaruku Defence Fund and support free expression in India here.


Greta Christina is a blogger, speaker and activist focusing on secular, sexual, and LGBT issues. We talk about atheism, religion, and her new book Why Are You Atheists So Angry? 99 Things that Piss Off the Godless.


Christopher Lombardo (right) is a co-author with Noel Boivins of The Man Who Scared a Shark to Death and Other True Tales of Drunken Debauchery and their new book is called Tastes Like Human. Their website is The Shark Guys. Chris has been published in the Globe & Mail, the Toronto Star, the National Post and Cracked. We talk about writing, the future of publishing, and their new book.
