Posts Tagged ‘billboards’

If I ever decide to become a link-baiting hack, I’ll have the best fall-back role ever. All I’ll have to do when I don’t know what to write about is throw up some angry and incoherent post about how atheists are being too mean. All you need are a few vague and incongruous grievances pasted together one after the other, without any attention paid to whether or not the conclusions logically follow from the premises.  Throw in some insistence that atheists follow your political agenda and a whole lot of fuzzy thinking and concern trolling, and you’re done. That’s what Addicting Info decided to do recently.

The post is by a contributor named Wendy Gittleson and it’s called “Atheist Group Damages Their Own Cause With Billboards.” Here’s the lede:

An atheist group has decided to bombard the host city of the Democratic National Convention, Charlotte, NC, with billboards designed to offend almost everyone, atheist or not.


A Disappoint Editorial

A couple of recent events have me disappointed in American Atheists. I agree with most of what they do, but being a skeptic means you have to call bullshit when you see it, even when it’s coming from friends.
