Posts Tagged ‘Catholicism’

Religion, like sex, should be consensual. But sometimes the Church sneaks into our beds unwanted and unannounced. All too often, it jumps under the covers with government, and government’s desperate enough to give it a sad, pathetic snuggle.

In the meantime, while science is always welcome in my bedroom, sometimes fake science tries to slip in––sometimes in hilarious ways, and other times more insidiously.

When religion and woo poke their determined junk at our sex lives, things can get a little ugly. Welcome to my column.


Sanal Edamaruku is the founder-president of Rationalist International and our first repeat guest. We talk about how he recently debunked a Catholic miracle claim in Mumbai and the blasphemy charges against him that ensued. You can donate to the Sanal Edamaruku Defence Fund and support free expression in India here.
