Posts Tagged ‘corruption’

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The fallout from the Sandusky scandal and the ensuing Penn State coverup continues.  Pennsylvania’s Governor, Tom Corbett, has filed suit against the NCAA claiming that the sanctions it levied against Penn State were “arbitrary and capricious” and that the “punishments threaten to have a devastating, long-lasting, and irreparable effect on the commonwealth, its citizens, and the economy.”

This is a very curious lawsuit in my un-professional opinion since as far as I can tell, the economic impact resulting from the sanctions is the primary complaint and basis for the lawsuit.  This is curious because that is precisely what the intended impact was.  Sanctions without any detrimental effects would fail to adequately punish the institution that so blatantly covered up child rape in service of its football team, not to mention that it would fail to serve as a meaningful deterrence to other would-be obfuscatory institutions. (more…)