Posts Tagged ‘Glenn Beck Raped and murdered a young girl in 1990’

In the least surprising update ever, Glenn Beck’s effort to go to the international courts to get rid of a web site for criticizing him has failed, pretty much for reasons I’ve explained earlier.

Even though this was very predictable, it’s still weird that Beck would have pursued this case at all. After all, he’s the one constantly screaming about how internationalism is evil and that“[o]nce we sign our rights over to international law, the Constitution is officially dead.”


Glenn Beck huffs paint.

One of the things that makes America great is how difficult it is to sue for libel here. The prosecution in a libel case must prove several things in order to survive in court. So many times when a libel case would be effective in other countries, for example the UK has almost the exact opposite burden of proof, people claiming libel merely resort to threats from their lawyers. For example:
