Posts Tagged ‘Julian Assange’

Back when I first wrote about Wikileaks, I hadn’t even heard of Julian Assange. Not many people had. Those were the days.

But within a few months, the organization decided to install a figurehead at its helm. Assange said he would be a “lightning rod” for WL criticism. And within a few more months, Wikileaks became something of a force field for Assange, shielding him from the legal consequences of some pretty serious rape allegations and enabling some of the dumbest conspiracy theories of the past decade.



How Assange might escape Ecuador’s London embassy.

 It’s pretty amazing that a man like Julian Assange gets so much interest from so many people. After all, the guy who gave the world Wikileaks and is now held up in an Ecuadorian embassy under political asylum status has never revealed any stories people didn’t already know.


There’s been another major WikiLeaks data dump. The previous ones which made the news here in America focused on the wars inAfghanistan and Iraq. But this one shifts focus from the Pentagon to the State Department, releasing around 250,000 lightly classified documents which reveal the inner workings of US diplomatic relations.


So it’s been a week since WikiLeaks published the leaked internal US military documents which detail some aspects of the occupation of Afghanistan which the administration would rather notemphasize. Like how Pakistan’s ISI is funneling our ‘aid’ back to the Taliban, which they then use to attack our troops. And civilian casualties are being massively underreported. And there’s a secret task force which captures and executes Taliban leaders. Oh yeah, and the US military is paying Afghani journalists to write favorable stories about the occupation.
