Posts Tagged ‘Pamela Geller’

Noted racist cat lady Pamela Geller has a written a very powerful exposé on her blog called “The Right’s dirty little secret.” Without looking, since that would be cheating, can you guess what this secret is? Because we do not follow Sharia law here, I will make this a multiple-choice question. See the answer after the jump.

What is “The Right’s dirty little secret” that Pamela Geller totally busted wide open?

a.) They all really liked the third Godfather movie.
b.) Dick Cheney is secretly a woman.
c.) Some blogger told another blogger to stop talking shit about Muslins.
d.) All of the above.


Pamela Geller is this nice Muslin lady who runs an anti-Islam organization with its very own website and everything. She likes to warn us real Americans about the Mohammedans when they’re about to do something illegal, like whistle a call to prayer at a stoplight. There’s always some new and exciting way to be afraid of those Moslems.

With Thanksgiving coming, Geller has spent the past week or so wondering what the best way to connect her McCarthyite crusade to the holiday, like most of us have. And that’s how she discovered that your Thanksgiving turkey is really a Trojan Horse which has been brainwashed by the Prophet Mohammed.Check it:
