Posts Tagged ‘physics’

One of the great things about science is how it strives to wipe away any of the subjective interpretations that fanatic ideologues try to impose on its findings. There aren’t liberal and conservative positions on, say, the speed of light. There is just the speed of light. It doesn’t change based on the political or religious views of the observer.


Gene Ray says that all of physics is wrong. It would have to for his new model of reality, which he describes as a Time Cube, to be correct. Everything from quantum theory to force being equal to mass times acceleration; it’s all just wrong according to Ray. So when his ramblings counter some established truth about how the physical world operates, he can always play the “Everything you know is wrong” trump card.


Pictured: God’s Colonoscopy

When Leon M. Lederman gave the theoretical Higgs Boson the nickname “The God Particle,” it was simply to illustrate its importance to science, even if it was slightly tongue in cheek. The Higgs Boson, if proven to exist, would be the mechanism by which all the chaotic particles in the beginnings of the universe would’ve finally managed to coagulate into something other than fiery destructive chaotic death. In short, old Higgy was the host of the orgy that spawned life, the universe, and everything.


“It’s a Supermoon, dicknose!”

Tomorrow there will be a full moon, and it’s going to be the biggest one of the year. It’s one of those Supermoons. And it’ll be on May 5th, 2012 (5/5!!). Does this mean the Moon will grow so much that it will reverse the Earth’s magnetic poles, causing massive earthquakes and tsunamis which will then awaken the sleeping Mayan god Quetzalcoatl? And will Quetzalcoatl then destroy the world in accordance with the unwritten ancient prophecies? Probably!

That’s the kind of thing you get with Supermoons. At least that’s what happened last year during another supermoon, so we can probably expect it again.


Flat Earthers believe our planet looks something like this.

“It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry.” -Thomas Paine

Last weekend my Twitter timeline blew up when Kirk Cameron showed up at CPAC to lecture at the attendees about creationism and the worldwide mad deadly evolution conspiracy. But the mocking wasn’t coming from scientists or secular activists who work at keeping religion out of science classrooms. Those people tend to not show up at events like CPAC. No, it was coming pretty much exclusively from liberal political activist bloggers and journalists. And not only that, it was also exclusively coming from bloggers and journalists who, as far as I could tell, have never once written about biological evolution or the fallacies involved in creationist arguments. I speculated that most of them have never even opened a text on evolution before.


CERN Records Drops Newest Jam

Posted: August 26, 2010 by Josh Bunting in Music, Science
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CERN’s secret project of starting a record label under the guise of studying physics has taken another step towards the scientists’ domination of all genres of music. First they conquered hip hop, and then they branched out into ambient drones. Now they’re going old school with a choir:


All matter is made up of atoms, and atoms are made of electrons, neutrons, and protons. Peter Higgs hypothesized that all of these subatomic particles are made of one universal and uniform sub-subatomic particle which he humbly called the Higgs boson, a.k.a. the ‘God particle.’



It will tell us something about the fundamental particles of matter regardless of the outcome. For example, if they find the Higgs boson, it will confirm that theory and raise even deeper questions about physics which nobody can yet forsee. And if they don’t find it, then they’d have exchanged error for truth and have to go back to the drawing board with newer and better ideas, one of them having been falsified. The same goes for things like dark matter,dark energy, extra dimensions like suggested by string theory, and the possibility of a unified field theory.
