Posts Tagged ‘homophobia’

Every once in a while I try to re-examine my views by reading conflicting ones. And I try to find articulate conservative or religious writers who put forth the best argument they’ve got in a comprehensible way. It’s all well and good to laugh at the Chuck Norrises of the world, but there have to be serious and thoughtful arguments against something like gay marriage out there somewhere. Right?


It’s the time of year we’ve all been looking forward to: The time when the Ukranian morality police release their report on what is and isn’t gay. Apparently they think that has something to do with morality. The newcomer to this year’s gay-bashing is SpongeBob SquarePants.


WorldNetDaily (pictured above) has another scoop, you guys! It turns out Obammerz is not only a Muslin terrorist atheist anti-Christ, but he’s also teh gheyz. A video that explains everything is after the jump.


I follow a lot of dirtbags on Twitter. It’s mostly for LOLz, but every once in a while something interesting pops up. This time it’s from the Westboro Baptist Church.

You know the WBC, right? The “God Hate Fags” people? That one practically incestuous cultish church almost entirely composed of a single family that’s headquartered at a compound in Topeka, Kansas that made headlines a few years ago for picketing the funerals of killed American soldiers? The ones who think the people who kill US soldiers are instruments of God’s wrath, and that we therefore should celebrate when members of the American military come home in body bags? The ones even Sean Hannity thinks are “religious nuts?”

Well, they’ve finally found an institution besides their own church that it turns out God doesn’t hate. Can you guess what it is? Can you? I’ll give you a minute to figure it out.


I have a feeling that writing a weekly column about people saying and doing crazy things is going to get a lot easier now that it’s getting warmer. The heat seems to drive normal people nuts and sends the ones who were already a little off into Francis E Dec territory. At least that’s the explanation I gave myself when I tried to narrow down all the weird news stories to summarize this week. And that’s probably a self-serving explanation because the alternative – that this is part of a larger downward spiral into universal lunacy – is just too depressing.


Kristen Becker is a local stand-up comedian. She recently won the Best in Buffalo award for best stand-up comedian. Her new album is called How COULD She? BEAST contributor Joe Dixon joins in for this interview. We talk about comedy, Buffalo, politics, our gay president, and doing manual labor while watching porn.


One thing I want to make clear here is that when I say these businesses are scams, I’m not making any claims about conscious fraud. It’s entirely possible that all of the people involved in all of these businesses honestly believe they’re providing goods and services of actual value for their customers. My point is that if they do believe that, they’re wrong.


Last week on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart did a segment on how the media’s been conspicuously avoiding coverage of the Quixotic Presidential campaign of Ron Paul. His supporters loved it, probably hoping that more coverage of Paul would mean more people getting on board with his campaign. But more coverage means more coverage of his crazier positions too, and there are a lot of them.


by Billy Ray Bull

So here we are on the cusp of a major civil rights victory, right here in New York State. Sure, we’re not the first state to legalize gay marriage, but we’ll be the first with a large population. But instead of getting down to the important work of fighting for marriage equality for all, our State Senate is being all gay about it.


A Ugandan newspaper called Rolling Stone (no relation to the real, i.e. American, one) published a front-page article listing the 100 most fabulous gays in the country. There’s an unfortunate typo where it says “HANG THEM,” when obviously it meant to suggest that the reader hang with them. That’s why they print the address of the “top homos,” so people can go and hang out with them if they want.
